Service Terms and Conditions

1. INNPRO Robert Błędowski Sp. z o.o. registered in the National Court Register at Rudzka 65C, 44-200 Rybnik with KRS no. 0000944160, NIP: 6423234719 by the 10th Commercial Division of the National Court Register of the District Court in Gliwice. It owns the domains,,, and

2. Maintenance Services within the meaning of these Terms and Conditions are warranty repair services (free services), as well as repairs that do not meet the conditions of warranty repair (paid services) (collectively as Services), provided to consumers and businesses (Customers in the plural, Customer in the singular). The qualification of a Service as warranty or chargeable is made on the basis of the warranty terms and conditions of a given device by the distributor INNPRO Robert Błędowski Sp. z o.o.

3. Information on how data are processed:
- The administrator of the personal data of the Customers of the Online Store, and persons acting on behalf of the Customer, is INNPRO Robert Błędowski sp z.o.o., which is the Seller within the meaning of these Regulations.
- The scope of the Customer's data (person acting on his/her behalf), required to conclude a sales contract or create an account in the Online Store includes: name and surname (company), address: street, house number, premises number, postal code, city, country, telephone number, e-mail address. The customer may also provide a VAT number, additional information. In addition, the Online Store service automatically collects the IP address of the computers of people using the Online Store.
- The personal data of the Customer (the person acting on his/her behalf) is processed by the Seller under the terms and conditions detailed in the Privacy Policy (, on the basis of the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 on the protection of natural persons in relation to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (GDPR).
- With the separate, explicit consent of the Customer (the person acting on his/her behalf), the Seller may process his/her personal data in order to provide him/her with an electronic service by periodically sending information about news and promotions in the Online Store (Newsletter). You can sign up for the Newsletter by checking the appropriate checkbox when creating an account at the Online Store. The Newsletter electronic service is provided free of charge for an indefinite period of time. The Customer has the possibility, at any time and without giving any reason, to resign from the Newsletter by submitting an appropriate request to the Seller, through the contact data indicated in item. 1.1. or by clicking on the unsubscribe link at the bottom of each newsletter. Notification of resignation is tantamount to withdrawal of consent for processing of the Client's personal data for the purpose of providing Newsletter service. Withdrawal of consent does not affect the legality of data processing that took place before the withdrawal.

The prerequisite for the commencement of the Service is the creation of an account and its activation via,, or, as well as the submission by the customer's client of an appropriate application and then delivering it on its own to the service:
Serwis INNPRO ul. Rudzka 65C 44-200 Rybnik
The Service does not accept Service Requests delivered without prior notification.
a) in order to submit a Service Request, it is necessary to register on the Site and confirm registration by clicking on the activation link sent to the Client's e-mail address provided during the registration process. In the registration form, the necessary data required by the form.
b) the Service Request is made by the Customer by clicking on the link add repair or its equivalent in another language, and then entering the required data in the form goes through the next steps.
The Service Center has the right to reject a Service Request if the description of the problem with the device is not clear enough. In this situation, the Customer has the right to resubmit the Service Request, in which he/she should more precisely specify the problem with the device.
The customer sending the device to the Service is obliged to mark the shipment and the device itself with the visible RMA number previously assigned by the application system. And provide a printed handover protocol.
The customer shall, before sending the device to the Service:
(a) make backups of the information contained on the built-in media of the devices
b) remove external storage media from the devices
c) remove protective elements of the device that are not the original contents of the set
d) remove additional accessories in the form of any kind of covers, overlays, stickers, etc.
e) delete any personal data and remove security passwords from the devices or restore them to default settings.
The customer sending the device to the Service, is obliged to properly protect the device from damage occurring during transport. The Service Center is not responsible for any damage to the device that occurred before the device was received by the Service Center, including damage that occurred during transportation.
Delivery of the device to the Service is necessary for the performance of the Service. Failure to deliver the device to the Service excludes the possibility of processing the Service Request.
The date of delivery of the device to the Service is considered to be the date of change of status awaiting diagnosis.

The duration of the Service is determined by the distributor's internal regulations in the case of warranty claims or the Civil Code in the case of warranty claims.
By submitting a Service Request, the Customer agrees to proceed with the initial diagnosis and possible repair of the device free of charge.
The Service is not responsible for the legality of software installed on the Client's device. The Service is not responsible for the content on the information carriers located on the device entrusted to the Service, and being in the letter of the law prohibited content.
The Service is not responsible for damage to or loss of data contained on information media as well as internal memories. The Customer is obliged to store the data contained on the devices, which are the subject of the provided Service, in a manner that allows their restoration and use, in particular by creating backups.
The Service is not responsible for the loss, loss or damage of additional accessories left by the Customer when issuing (sending) the device for repair, referred to in § 2 item. 5. The Customer accepts that additional accessories in the form of any type of covers, overlays, stickers, etc. may be damaged or lost, already at the stage of diagnostic procedure, and declares that he will not make any claims against the Service for their loss, loss or damage.
If there is a discrepancy between the information contained in the Service Request regarding the contents of the kit provided by the Customer and the actual contents verified by the Service, the Service will inform the Customer of the discrepancy. The condition of the kit as ascertained by the Service will be authoritative for further processing of the Service Request.
A device damaged mechanically, after contact with liquid, with unauthorized repairs or modifications, is treated as a high-risk device, and the Service does not guarantee that it will be possible to repair such a device, and that during the repair process other defects / symptoms will not be revealed or the defects / symptoms reported by the Customer will be aggravated. In situations referred to in the preceding sentence, the Service reserves the right to return the unrepaired device with defects / symptoms other than those reported by the Customer.
Defective parts are not returned to the customer after repair.
All information on the implementation of the service will be communicated to the customer by e-mail.
The Customer may not change the data provided at the Service Request. The Customer is responsible for providing incomplete, illegible or incorrect data.
The Customer is obliged to collect the device after the repair:
a) in person at the headquarters of the Service Center or at an authorized point - only if the Service Request is made in person, upon presentation of the Service Request protocol
b) via courier shipment, which is made on behalf of the Service to the Customer's address provided in the Service Application.
The customer does not have the option of receiving the repair through his own carrier.
In the case of a Service Request made by a wholesale Customer, the return is made to that Customer making the Service Request, it is not possible to ship the device to the end customer.
Communication with the Service is intended only for the first purchaser of the product based on the first sales document from innpro and may contain information of a confidential or proprietary nature. Unauthorized communication to an entity that is not the addressee is prohibited.
If the Customer fails to collect the device or additional accessories, the Service will keep the device or additional accessories for a period of 20 days from the date of informing the authorized person that the product is ready for collection. After the expiration of this period, the Service will be entitled to treat the product in question as abandoned with the intent to dispose of the property, within the meaning of Article 180 of the Civil Code.
Upon receipt of the shipment, the Customer must check its condition, in order to enable the initiation of a possible complaint procedure with the carrier. If the shipment has visible damage, the Customer should refuse to accept the shipment, drawing up an appropriate protocol with the participation of the deliverer and immediately inform the Service by sending a copy of the above protocol.
The Customer is obliged to immediately inform the Service of any irregularities found and provide the Service with a copy of the relevant protocol, otherwise the Service shall be deemed to have no objections to the technical condition of the device and its completeness.

§ 4. OUT OF WARRANTY REPAIRS (paid repairs)
The Service performs out-of-warranty Services on its own or entrusts their performance to other entities with appropriate qualifications, in particular to an authorized service center of the device manufacturer. If an out-of-warranty repair is performed by a third-party service, the Service will charge the Customer for all costs associated with entrusting third-party service, as well as transportation costs, which will be included in the repair cost quote each time.
The cost of transporting the device to the Service and to the Customer shall be borne by the Customer.
As part of out-of-warranty repairs, the Service carries out a diagnosis and appraisal of the repair of the device, which is presented to the Customer by e-mail and through the Service Website. The diagnosis itself is payable in the event that the device proves to be defect-free - then the Customer will be charged PLN 150.00 gross. In the case of repair, the fee for diagnosis is already included in the price of repair.
The Service may refuse to accept a Service Request for an out-of-warranty repair, without giving a reason. The Service shall inform the Customer of the refusal within 14 working days from the submission of the Service Request by the Customer.
Undertaking any repair or diagnostic activities, is subject to the Customer's acceptance of the costs. The Service shall provide the Customer with a full statement of the costs, together with the transfer details and the expected date of completion of the Service via e-mail and information in the customer panel on the Service Site.
The Customer shall give acceptance of the terms and conditions of the Service within 7 calendar days from the date of sending the repair estimate through an e-mail containing an explicit commitment of the Customer to pay. Failure to accept within the indicated period is equivalent to cancellation of the repair and results in cancellation of the Service Request.
At the moment of acceptance of the cost, the Customer enters into an agreement with the Service for the provision of maintenance services, the agreement is concluded in Polish, at the request of the Customer it can also be concluded in English.
The Client shall make payment for the Service in advance, within 7 working days from the conclusion of the agreement referred to in Section 7 above. The Service only accepts payment by bank transfer, to the bank account indicated in the correspondence referred to in Section 5 above. Normally, the Service documents the payment, which it delivers with the device after repair. A VAT invoice is issued at the Customer's request, after the Service receives the necessary invoice data.
In the event that the Customer, having previously entered into a service contract, cancels the out-of-warranty repair during its implementation, which includes non-payment within the timeframe indicated in Section 8 above, the Customer shall reimburse the Service Center for all costs, including the cost of the ordered device, parts, transportation and diagnosis.
The Service shall be entitled, at its sole discretion, to withhold the commencement of repairs until payment is received in accordance with Section 8 above.
The Service reserves the right to change the cost of repair in the event that additional defects are revealed during the repair of the device, when, despite the exercise of due diligence, the need for additional work could not be foreseen. The Service undertakes to notify the Customer of any need for additional repairs, the costs involved and the time of completion. The provisions of items 5-10 above shall apply accordingly.
The Service shall have the right to withhold the release of the Customer's device until the Customer has paid the service fee and other amounts due to the Service in accordance with these Regulations.

A customer who is a consumer and who has entered into a remote service contract through the Service Site may withdraw from the contract within 14 days without stating a reason and without incurring costs, provided that the service was not ordered on the customer's special order of which he was informed, such as the implementation of a paid repair which requires 100% prepayment.

The Service has a legal obligation to perform the Services to the Customer without defects.
The Service is liable to the Customer who is a consumer under the warranty, for physical and legal defects of the performed Services to the extent and under the terms of the Civil Code (Articles 556 - 576 in connection with Article 638 § 1 of the Civil Code).
Warranty liability to non-consumer customers is excluded.

These Regulations are the rules and regulations referred to in Article 8 of the Act of July 18, 2002 on the provision of electronic services (i.e. Journal of Laws of 2019, item 123, as amended) (the Act). The Rules and Regulations are made available to the Customers before the conclusion of the contract free of charge. The Customer has the right to download these Regulations and make a printout of them. The Regulations are also made available at the request of the Customer in such a way that enables its content to be obtained, reproduced and recorded by means of the information and communication system used by the Customer.
The Service provides the following services electronically through the Service Site:
a) Account - the Customer uses the service by entering the Site of the service, and then - when establishing an Account - clicking on the Register Now field and completing the registration form and completing the steps described in § 2.2(a) above, and when using a previously established Account - entering the login or e-mail address provided during the registration process, as well as the password, in the login field. The electronic service is provided free of charge for an indefinite period of time. The Customer has the possibility, at any time and without giving any reason, to delete the Account by sending an appropriate request to the Service (e.g. via e-mail to: [email protected] or in writing to the address: 65C Rudzka Street, 44-200 Rybnik).
b) Service Request - the Customer uses the service in the manner described in § 2.2(b) above. The electronic service is provided free of charge and is of a one-time nature - it is terminated upon submission of the Service Request or its cancellation by the Customer.
In order to properly use the services provided by the Website electronically, it is required to install a web browser, such as Google Chrome, Opera or Mozilla Firefox on a device with Internet access.
Each user is obliged to use the services provided by the Website electronically in a manner consistent with the content of these Regulations, respect for the law and observance of good morals.
In particular, it is forbidden to:
a) Providing false, inaccurate or outdated information or additional personal data not serving the forms provided on the Website,
b) dissemination of false or illegal information about the content posted on the Website,
c) Violate in any way the personal rights of the Service, its employees, its affiliates or third parties, as well as the rights of any person, including their intellectual property rights,
d) Providing content of a nature that violates generally applicable laws,
e) Interfering with the operation of the Website of the Service, including changing the code, using or posting malware, unauthorized extensions and other mechanisms that may adversely affect the operation of the Website of the Service or the software or equipment of the Service or other users.
The Website is not responsible for any false, incorrect, incomplete information provided by the user, especially in the case of providing data of third parties without their consent or knowledge. The user using the Website shall be responsible for the consequences resulting from the provision of incorrect, false, incomplete or misleading data.
The Service is not responsible for the consequences of the user's use of the services in a manner contrary to the Terms of Service.
The Website hereby informs that it employs measures to protect the Website from unauthorized actions of third parties. However, despite these measures, the use of the Website and the services provided electronically through it may involve the occurrence of one or more of the risks associated with the use of the Internet, such as:
a) malware (malicious software) - various types of applications or scripts that have a harmful, criminal or malicious effect on a network user's ICT system, such as viruses, worms, Trojans, keyloggers, dialers, etc;
b) spyware - programs that track a user's activities and collect information about the user and send it - usually without the user's knowledge or consent - to the program's author;
c) spam - unsolicited and unsolicited e-mails sent simultaneously to multiple recipients, often containing advertising content;
d) phishing for sensitive personal information (e.g., passwords) by impersonating a trustworthy person or institution (phishing);
e) hacking into a user's ICT system using such hacking tools as exploits and rootkits, among others.
The user, in order to avoid the above-mentioned risks, should stock his computer and other electronic devices he uses when connecting to the Internet with an antivirus program. Such program should be constantly updated.
The Website uses user cookies. You may prevent cookies from being stored on your end device by configuring your web browser accordingly.

Diagnosis methods, repair techniques, specialized knowledge, service procedures, know how, processes are the exclusive property of the Service and are protected as its corporate secret. If the Service uses the knowledge or procedures of third parties in the provision of services, the Service is obliged to keep the information in question confidential.
Settlement of any disputes arising between the Service and the Customer, who is a consumer, shall be submitted to the courts of competent jurisdiction according to applicable law.
The consumer is also entitled to use out-of-court means of handling complaints and pursuing claims. Detailed information is available at the following web addresses: and, as well as at the websites and offices of consumer ombudsmen, social organizations whose statutory tasks include consumer protection and Provincial Inspectorates of Trade Inspection.
Settlement of any disputes arising between the Service and a customer who is not a consumer shall be submitted to the court having jurisdiction over the seat of the Service.
In matters not covered by these Regulations, the relevant provisions of law shall apply.
Any comments or questions about the operation of the Service can be submitted to [email protected] and [email protected].
These Terms and Conditions do not affect any of the Customer's rights under applicable law. If any provision of the Terms and Conditions is inconsistent with applicable law, that provision will not apply.
The Regulations are effective as of 01.01.2022. The Service may change the Rules and Regulations, informing customers of the changes no less than 14 days in advance.